
Updates 2025

Chaosdock 2008

2008-10-03 00:00:00, webmaster

Das Chaosdock ist ein Veranstaltungsformat des CCC Zürich (CCCZH), das erstmals 2006 stattfand. more …

Chaos Computer Club reicht Wahlprüfungsbeschwerde in Hessen ein – Aufruf zur Wahlcomputerbeobachtung in Brandenburg

2008-09-24 00:00:00, erdgeist

Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hat wie angekündigt eine Wahlprüfungsbeschwerde in Hessen eingereicht. Die Beschwerde richtet sich gegen den Einsatz von NEDAP-Wahlcomputern in acht hessischen Gemeinden. Aufgrund der schwerwiegenden Wahlfehler in Hessen, wie etwa der Lagerung der Wahlcomputer bei Parteifunktionären und der mangelnden Einhaltung der Vorschriften zur sicheren Lagerung der Computer, ist nun zu entscheiden, ob die Wahlen in den acht betroffenen Wahlkreisen wiederholt werden müssen. more …

Chaos Computer Club takes part in "Motodrone"

2008-09-02 00:00:00, erdgeist

The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) is taking part in "Motodrone", the European event for scientists, researchers and developers in the field of open source aerial drones in Finowfurt near Berlin on September 20th, 2008. Interesting talks, discussions, workshops and flight shows are planned for the event. more …

Köln: OpenChaos zu Dynamisches Routing

2008-08-23 00:00:00, Unknown author

Dynamisches Routing erlaubt es, große und komplexe Netzwerke aufzubauen, ohne auf zentrale Strukturen angewiesen zu sein. more …

Tax Offices assign Personal Identification Numbers

2008-08-12 00:00:00, frankro

German citizens are receiving letters from their Tax Office containing their new 11-digit tax IDs. Germany-based civil rights organization Chaos Computer Club (CCC) considers this number to be an illegal personal identification number (Personenkennziffer) and fears its misuse by the authorities. more …

Chaos Computer Club offers help to victims of censorship in China

2008-08-04 00:00:00, vt100

In response to widespread outrage against internet censorship in China, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) offers aid in circumventing the censorship measures to the affected athletes and journalists. more …

Electronic Insurance card: Please don't Smile

2008-07-22 00:00:00, frankro

Some German health insurance funds started asking their members to send in photos for newly issued electronic insurance cards, despite the fact that important security questions regarding the system are still unanswered. The Chaos Computer Club advises all members to not send a photo as yet. more …

Clause 202c of German penal code endangers German IT industry

2008-07-21 00:00:00, frankro

In a substantial report to the Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG, German constitutional court) the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has studied the impacts of the so-called "Hacker Paragraph", a change to the penal code. The CCC comes to the conclusion, that clause 202c is unsuitable and even runs contrary to the legislator's intended goal. more …

Swiss "Freedom Campaign" against biometric passports

2008-07-20 00:00:00, frankro

The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) wishes to draw attention the all-party referendum committee against biometric passports and identity cards in Switzerland. more …

U23 2008: Ein spannendes Projekt für junge Leute bis 23

2008-07-13 19:11:00, erdgeist

Die beiden regionalen CCC-Gruppen Köln und Darmstadt bieten für junge Leute bis 23 Jahre im Rahmen des Projekts „U23 2008“ einen mehrwöchigen Kurs zum Einstieg in die Mikrocontrollerprogrammierung an. more …
