
Chaos BBQ Weekend 2008 Announcement

2008-06-10 00:00:00, sinned

After the last year's successful "Chaos West Grillen", there will be another episode of the ultimate nerd bbq event of the western chaosphere.

Over the weekend of 20.06. to 22.06.2008, Chaostreff Dortmund hosts the Chaos BBQ Weekend 2008!

There will be talks and workshops with hacking, making, science, society, culture and also community-oriented backgrounds. The following talks/workshops will be held:

  • GNU/Linux, C++ und Qt4 Workshop
  • Spambekämpfung mit mxallowd (fighting spam with mxallowd)
  • Camouflage – das Bild in der Realität (the picture in reality)
  • Brainmachine Bastel Workshop (building brain machines)
  • Mobile Energy for the Average Nerd
  • AVR Microcontroller Programmierung (AVR microcontroller programing)
  • LAN interne Angriffsszenarien - technische Details (LAN internal attack scenarios - technical details)

All talks/workshops are announced to be held in German language. Wheter a talk/workshop will be held in Englisch, may depend on the speaker.

During the event itself, the communicative geek will be able to network with other geeks and have a steak or two. There will be also several "after-sun" events, where you can have some fun. The official event schedule, will be published within a few days.

Till then, you can take a look at all talks/workshops by visiting

Admissions for the Chaos BBQ Weekend 2008 are: Friday 8 euros, Saturday 10 euros, Sunday 8 euros or 20 euros for all three days. Accomodations can be mediated by request.

You can apply for the Chaos BBQ Weekend at If there may be any language problems during registration, you are very welcome to contact us.
